ACo is an independent consulting and applications company founded in 1994. ACo provides services and consulting for the process industry. ACo focuses on:
- Power (including renewables);
- Blending and Oil Movements;
- Information Systems;
- KPIs;
- Production Accounting;
- Supply Chain;
- Planning and Scheduling;
- Systems Integration; and the
- Studies and Consulting related to them
ACo’s deep experience in multiple fields allows us to see the big picture, while still concentrating on the details of each individual piece of the supply chain. This includes the importance of transferring value between each of those pieces.
ACo is based in Vienna, with experience world-wide.
Our staff is fluent in English and German.
The ACo philosophy is, that each client and each project is unique. However, systems and solutions should be as standard as possible.
ACo’s follows a holistic approach to each company and project: ACo works with the best in the industry to provide the right products and services for each particular situation. Our overarching goal is to improve client profitability through the integration of business and technical processes.
ACo’s long term goals are to retain and improve on our reputation as a premier European solution provider and SI in the process industries, concentrating on energy (oil, gas, power – including renewables). We are slowly increasing our offerings in these verticals while expanding into new markets.
Albrecht Software Consulting GmbH is registered in the commercial register (local court) Vienna under the number 182517h. The VAT registration number of Albrecht Software Consulting GmbH is ATU47114304. © Albrecht Software Consulting GmbH 2015. Simmeringer Hauptstraße 36/2/VIII, 1110 Wien T: +43 1 920 7913 E-Mail: info@albrecht-consulting.com General manager: John L. Albrecht